Why is the character acting like there's a bump when going through a collision volume?

Hey everyone. I hope this is the right place to ask this.

I’ve recently started playing with UE5 and I decided to begin writing a simple endless runner to get the hang of it. However, I’ve ran into a bug that I have no idea how to fix.

Basically, every time my character steps over a collision volume, it does a kind of limping movement, as if there were obstacles. The collision volume is configured to “OverlapOnlyPawn” so as I understood, the character pawn should just go through it without its movement being affected one way or another. But that’s just not the case as seen in the video:

This is what happens when I move the collision volumes out of the way (that’s the only change to the program):

I haven’t found much existing info online about what can be causing this issue, so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

PS: I’m not showing code because everything should be pretty standard, but if required, I’ll gladly comply.

Hmm, interesting… as it happens when you step over the collision volume, it seems logical that it is connected to it. If you change the collision settings on the collision volumes to NoCollision, does the character bump still happen?

Hey, thanks for taking the time to reply! I just tried that, and when I change that option to “NoCollision” then the character stops bumping.

My guess would be that the floor pieces aren’t welded together quite well enough and there are slight gaps or differences in elevation between them as they spawn. Might also be some spawn collision issue where the floor piece feels it needs to adjust its location ever so slightly to avoid some issues when spawning.

You can stop the simulation, unpossess the spawn with F8 and take a look at the floor pieces and their locations to check if their Z-height is the same, you could also put debug notifies on the character’s Z-height on tick and the for the overlap boxes to see if the height is changing as time goes on.

Hey JoSf, that was my first guess too. However, the fact that it works when the volumes are moved out of the way without changing the way the tiles span made me think it cannot be related to the Z height as they should be spanning the same way without the volumes, don’t they?

The animation transition looks like as if the character is transitioning into the default falling animation.

Technically there should be no problem but I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some ever so slight misadjustment caused by spawning or something.

Hey, I decided to create a minimum project reproducing the issue since it’s fairly easy to setup. If you want to try it, simply download it and press play (created with version 5.0.3):

Well, since nobody else is answering, and I had the time…

Your overlap boxes / triggers block the visibility trace channel. That trace channel is intended for objects to block visibility traces, and as the objects don’t really block visibility, they shouldn’t.

But why does the animation behave that way? Because there is IK logic added to the animation, so the character’s legs are trying their hardest to adjust the foot location to step on that box while traversing through it.

Either disable the IK or, presumably more preferably, use the trigger preset or at least put the visibility trace channel to ignore.


Hey! Thanks for taking the time to answer. Using the trigger preset on the boxes solved the issue.