Why is static mesh attached to a socket stuck to my camera in blueprint?

Tail is stuck to the camera following its location not the socket of the character.

Hey @Lunehtic! Welcome to the forums!

Do you think you could get a little more detailed with your question? I’m not sure what you’re meaning here.

Do you mean when you move the viewport camera around, the tail follows with it?

Have you tried it in-game? Sometimes if I’ve had that happen once you get in game it’s fine. :slight_smile:

That’s exactly what I mean and it’s the same in game as well. Any object I attach to any socket seems to do this. I’m using 5.3.2 if that helps.

Hmmmm. Can you show how you’re attaching to socket?

Usually something like this needs to be attached using the construction script or beginplay. Also, keep in mind that the socket has to have the EXACT same name, watch out for an accidental space at the end or capitalization.

under details on the right side of my image in the sockets section. trying to follow this

When you added that socket, did you save the skeleton yet? It won’t work unless it’s been saved.

Also, try (in the construction script, if that fails use begin play) using an “Attach Component to Socket” node! :slight_smile: That’s the only way I’ve attached anything fur- or cloth- like in the past.

I saved the skeleton. I resaved it an retested just now to be sure. No change. I removed how I attached the socket and used the attach component to socket node like you suggested. Recompiled resaved and the exact same issue is still going.

i tried flipping through the node’s setting as well. It looked like it’s just changing the tails position in relation to the camera.

Now, see, that’s weird, because that would imply that the socket itself is attached to the camera. You said this is happening on ANY socket?

yeah i can make another socket for the head save it and attach the tail to the headsocket. same issue

Okay, so what if you do this with any other object? Is it ONLY the tail acting up?

I tried exporting a cube from blender just now and that attached fine. I’m not sure what could have gone wrong with my tail export to attach it to the camera though?

And you’ve tried reimporting it and re-attaching it just as you did the cube? If the cube works, it seems like an export/import issue.

several times now using the same settings as the cube changed nothing for the tail. I tried applying all transforms as well to be safe. My import settings are all default. The tail is stuck ONLY when attached to a socket.

The only difference I can think of is the cube doesn’t have a skeleton and the tail does.

tried using the blender to unreal plugin for blender with the same result.

Got it working! Ty!! Looks like my origin was off in blender. Still doesn’t work with how I first tried to connect it still but the Attach Component Socket node does!

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