Why is SetText(Text) with Common UI is not working?

I have a timer - it’s a Common Text Block. The function for changing it is called every second and gives the time value. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the function is called correctly, and the text is also not empty, the timer text does not change. Why is this possible?


Hey @daniiyang , welcome to the forum!

If my assumption is correct, based on your screenshot, it is the server who’s changing the text.
Server has no control over widgets (ownership), clients have to change their own widgets locally.
So even if you want to update or receive updates from the server, ultimately the client has to apply those changes.

Multicast inside a widget won’t work cause widgets are never replicated. The server would have to tell the owners (players) of the widgets the new value and then clients would apply it in case you need server control over that value, otherwise just do it from within the client.

Widgets shouldn’t be added to viewport on the server, and usually they’re not even created on the server, only the clients.

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Thank you! This helped to resolve the issue.

Glad I could help :slight_smile:

In that case mark the message as “solution” so others with the same problem can find it please.