basically im trying to move the player along these splines but i want to stop the montage and print string after the movement is done and i cant do this because its event tick why
I see you gave up and used a spline
You can use a timer on tick, it doesn’t make any sense, I’m afraid.
The best way to move along the spline it to use a timeline.
yea i gave up and i also used a timeline and it fixed it but the proplem now is if i add movement input and get the forward vector it moves to the left why instead of normal forward
So you want to use movement input AND the spline?
yea but no after the spline movement finishes i want to restore my normal movement input
But this is a blueprint with ‘spline actor’ as parent.
Are you using it to move an actor along the spline? ( a separate BP )
Ok, I think you’ve got them jumbled up.
You need
The player
The spline BP
You use 2 to move 1 along, you don’t change anything in 1.
it basically the spline logic here move 1 (the player) and add movement input after timeline finishes but the proplem is it moves it to the left
for the player bp i didnt change anything
Yes, but once you’ve left the spline, you can control the player normally, right?
no i cant
because it moves to the left in my endless runner
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