Why is ProjectWorldToScreen returning values 3000x larger than expected in packaged build?

I have a UMG widget where I am getting world locations and projecting it to the viewport to superimpose elements over actors.

In PIE and Stanalone, the ProjectWorldLocationToWidgetPosition and ProjectWorldToScreen functions return expected values and I see the desired result.

But when I package the game for Windows, these functions now return values that are approx. 3000x too large.

I’ve checked things like viewport scale, viewport size, the world coordinates, all other values are normal, but the output of these two Blueprint nodes return the wrong/different values in packaged builds.

Is there something I’m missing in project settings or something to account for this? I haven’t touched any of the DPI stuff.

In an effort to not leave this open. I was settings the camera’s FOV to another SceneCapture2D’s FOV. But in packaged builds, the order of instantiation and BeginPlays between these objects caused a race condition resulting in the Camera’s FOV being set to near zero.

I have since begun writing more robust dispatch subscriptions by accounting for race conditions and doing delayed retries.

In the end, the problem WAS that the projection matrix was collapsing in the builds.