Why is OnBeginCursorOver still firing?

I wanted to implement a cursor change on mouse over. To do this I enabled mouse over events, showed the cursor and created a class which extends the Character class. In it’s constructor I put:

ANPC::ANPC(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP) : Super(PCIP)
	CapsuleComponent->OnBeginCursorOver.AddDynamic(this, &ANPC::MouseOver_Execute);

My delegate method gets executed just fine, but at some point I was testing some other stuff and I commented out the line in the constructor like so:

ANPC::ANPC(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP) : Super(PCIP)
	//CapsuleComponent->OnBeginCursorOver.AddDynamic(this, &ANPC::MouseOver_Execute);

But in my game, the delegate method still gets executed on mouse over. Is there a reason, or a way to stop it from doing this?

PS. One way I found it stops firing, is if I change the name of the delegate method, but I’d rather not rename my functions every time I want them to stop getting executed.