Why is nDisplay showing a distorted/curved image?

Hello, I’m having this issue with my studios nDisplay and wondering if anyone has seen this before or knows of a fix. The company we pay to help trouble shoot this stuff seems completely lost so I figured I would ask here.

Okay, so essentially, every environment renders “curved” and distorted on nDisplay.
Here are some examples:

Bedroom environment within UE5.3

bedroom environment shown on nDisplay, notice how the wall became weirdly angled and curved, compared to how it is completely horizontal within the actual environment

nDisplay config page, as I’m sure you know, that building on the right isn’t supposed to look like that. Again, it’s completely horizontal within the environment

ceiling of temple became curved

We also use mosys for camera tracking, we completely redid our mosys setup, as well as re-made our ndisplay wall mesh to make sure it’s accurate and it is. Nothing has fixed the problem. I must add, when we have the frustum in use, it fixes the problem. But my understanding is that nDisplay is supposed to display the environment properly even without using camera tracking/frustrum.


Hi, the reason the outer projection of your nDisplay setup looks distorted is most likely that it is not placed in the center of your LED volume.
Try selecting your nDisplay config in the Outliner, then select the “Default View Point” component (this is part of your nDisplay config) and move it closer to the middle of your LED volume.
Once you start moving the “Default View Point” you will see how the perspective in your outer projections changes.

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