Then I made a really bad go-cart model, rigged it up and exported it, and it seems that no matter what I do it doesn’t want to work, I have cross referenced everything I can find between the two setups, the only difference I know of is that the one I made was rigged and the other skeleton was procedurally setup in ue4. Mine has a few extra bones but they don’t have physics assets so I see no reason why they would be effecting the way the cart would act.
EDIT: Turns out I wasn’t reading the documentation carefully enough, my bones were not oriented correctly, for anyone who has this problem, make sure your root and wheel bones are oriented with x forward and z up. I’m ashamed that was the answer, it was so simple.
1.Make sure you switch world coordinated axis in Maya or MayaLT to Z up. (This can be done in the preferences window. Realign vehicle or build new facing X forward)
2.Make sure your pivot transformations for all meshes are reset (example: transform, rotation, scale = 1,1,1. use the freeze transformations option)
3.Make sure your Wheel pivots are centered to your wheel mesh. (use the center pivot option, then bake pivot)
It is important to bake pivot! Your wheel pivots make be positioned in the center of the wheels on screen, but they are still calculated at zero offset after freezing transforms and exported at center of world (x 0, y0, z0)
I come from a max background, and this was new to me, and caused a big headache. Hope this helps anyone. Thanks
Im not sure it could be many things. make sure to follow the tutorial for every line. Its a fairly long tutorial, so one feels as if things can be glanced over. step by step.
if vehicle and pivots are reset baked and properly positioned. just redo the bones with proper orientation and don’t forget to set kinematic physics for wheels. Like im not sure where exactly you think you might be having the problem. and its been awhile.
Are you doing the wishbone or basic setup. The basic setup is easy
I’m having some similar problems. Thanks to the advice mentioned earlier, I was able to fix a majority of the problems I’ve been having. However when I run a test of my vehicle, the camera jumps forward, and it would appear that the entire front end of my vehicle collapses. Plus when I try to move forward my wheels spin around my vehicle. I think some of the issues I mentioned can be solved with baking the pivot point, which I could not figure out how to do in Maya 2015.
Here is a screenshot of what I am talking about, hope it helps:
Hi, same problem for me, my car is flying like crazy and I thinks it because my root mesh rotated 90° Z but i’m using blender and I don’t know how align it without rotating the geometry so if anyone know how to fix this with Blender, thank you.