Hello everyone! I’m quite confused about my project because my vehicle is suddenly moving slowly even though I haven’t changed anything else that I have not messed with.
Basically, I imported a T-34-85 tank and got it to work in UE4. Not a problem. Wheels are moving, speeds are limited, it’s great. I decided to add physical tracks onto the tank and they work perfectly fine. I had to tweak them here and there.
Nothing has gone wrong until I changed one of the settings that I have been changing the most relating to the tank tracks. (It was something in the physics. I think it was around inertia tensor scale.) Suddenly, the vehicle just starts moving slowly. It’s RPM gets capped at 800 and refuses to move faster. I removed the tracks, I reset all of the options, I reset a couple of options in project settings, I removed physical collision, I regenerated physical collision, I changed the track’s collision, I removed blueprint collisions, I changed the vehicle settings relating to RPM and gear shifting, I checked the PXVIS collision, I lowered my scaling to see if it was just some kind of lag, and I checked the vehicle debug. I can’t solve the problem nor’ can I figure out what the problem is.
The vehicle isn’t broken or anything. Wheels are still intact and everything. It just started moving slowly…
Any sort of help would be appreciated because I’ve never been so confused on a project before. I may have changed something else but if I did then I can’t remember or find it.