Why is my raycast "seeing" only a part of my character?


we are making a multiplayer shooter game and since 4.14 we have the problem, that the raycast that is being used
to determine a hit on the characters hitbox only “sees” a part of the character.
Everything from breast down including arms is “seen” and counted as a hit, but shoulders up to the head is “invisible” to the raycast, which means, it’s going through it not counting as a hit.

Do you have any idea what the problem could be?

Cheers, Paul

Could you post some images of your raycast blueprint and of your characters collision boxes and collision settings?

Hey, yeah of course. You mean the physical asset with the hitboxes? :slight_smile:

Hey, I quickly marked the working parts with green and the not working parts with red. Green ones still work perfectly!
I also added the settings for the two not working and for one of the working ones, indicated by the dots.