Why is my question still waiting moderator approval?

I know that this is not the place to ask this but I am in need of assistance and I’m sure if nothing gets said nothing will get done.

It’s coming up on 48 hours and a question that I have asked is still waiting for moderator approval. That was the second question that I have asked on the answer hub, the first question was approved immediately but this one has not been. Is there a reason for this?

I posted the exact same question in a forum post here to try to speed things along and it has been approved Problem loading variables from save game to game instance at game start in c++ - C++ - Unreal Engine Forums so I don’t see why this post wouldn’t have been.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated as I am at a standstill in production and unfortunately need some help getting the ball rolling again…

It seems to be pretty random, but usually sort itself out in the end…

Should self resolve as mentioned by ClockworkOcean.

I have read that answers also need moderator approval so maybe the one who sees this answer will approve my pending question?