Why is my pawn getting stuck on nothing

When I move my character straight or left it seems to move fine but when I move it to the right it seems to get stuck on nothing and just runs in place. I have tried using the default 3rd person pawn, and also the Greystone Paragon character. Any ideas? Here is an example of it happening.

It looks like you have a weird collision boxes in the level. I don’t know exactly which prop its on, but once you get up the grass towards the end of the video it looks like everything is fine at that point. I’d check the collision around the central part of your level.

You can check that by going to the view model (where it says lit) and choosing player collision. It will show you all the colliders in your level.

Agree, looks like collision issues in your level. Did you add that meshes as foliage or as static meshes? Checking collision will help.

Hey thanks guys! It looks like my well had like a massive collision on it for some reason. Ive been trying to fix this forever. Appreciate it.