Why is my Megascans blended material suddenly of poor quality in UE5?

I have imported 2 Megascans materials (both a concrete variant) size: 2m x 2m
Those look good on a 2 x 2m surface in UE5 and they look good (hi res) on the preview in the material detail window.

Then from those two materials I create a blend material (through the quixel bridge popup) and this results in a blend material of very low quality (see screenshot) - even already in the preview.

Nothing magic, I’m not doing any extra step, just very simple create blend material.

Anyone any ideas?


I have a few suggestions that you can look into to figure out the reason for the issue:

  • Check the resolution of the textures used in the blend material. Make sure that the textures used in the blend material have a high enough resolution to maintain quality when blended.

  • Check the tiling settings of the textures used in the blend material. Make sure that the textures are tiled correctly to maintain quality when blended.

  • Check the UVs of the meshes that the blend material is applied to. Make sure that the meshes have good UVs, to maintain quality when blended.

  • Check the settings of the Quixel Bridge. Make sure that the Quixel Bridge is configured correctly to export materials of the appropriate quality.

  • Check the settings of the blend material. Make sure that the blend material is set up correctly and that the settings are appropriate for the textures being used.

  • Check the material quality settings in the Unreal Engine project settings. Go to Project Settings → Engine → Rendering and check that the “Material Quality” settings are set to the appropriate level for your needs.

  • You can try to increase the quality of the materials by increasing the texture resolution of the source materials, or by adding more details to the source materials.

  • Make sure that the materials being blended are compatible with each other and that they are not

Please, let me know if any of the following solved your issue. Also consider letting me know what solved the issue for you! :slight_smile:

check this thread, i hope this is what your problem is

and watch this video


I got the same problem with very low texture resolution, except with the terrain substance. However, I encountered something else…

For some reason it totally ruined the original material. I.e, not only references to the Blend Material but also the actual source of the blend. It looks completely awful.

Same here, for some reason, checking off Virtual Texture Streaming fixes the issue with the blend material, however, the original Material Instance from Quixel Bridge is completely messed up. The error message in the window states that it needs to be a VT, but when you look at the Blend Material it’s totally fine.

Has anyone figured out why yet?

Still haven’t found a solution to this, myself.