Why is my male metahumans all distorted.

I have several metahumans, male and female, in my project. Recently the male metahuman has become distorted. They were fine when I first added them to my levels, but now they are messed up. I am using UE 5.3.

Hey there @cloudninemeeple! Welcome to the community! This is interesting! It looks like the rig may have been retargeted at some point. Does this apply to the same Metahumans on fresh projects?

No, it doesn’t happen in other projects. I haven’t done any retargeting that I know of. I am still learning unreal so maybe I did something and didn’t realize it.

If you haven’t implemented any of the metahumans you have imported already, you should be able to find the location where the skeleton is (you can find this in your metahuman’s skeletal mesh details). Then remove it (as long as it’s not an engine component). Then reimport some of the metahumans that were having errors and see if that corrects it.

That fixed it. Thank you for the help.

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