Why is my level not opening?

I’m trying to open a level for my elevator simulation from a main menu that I created using the guide linked below. My problem is that when I click on the “play button” on my main menu during test, nothing happens. I’ve tried tried using the referencing other levels and that has worked just fine, but the one I want to open flat out refuses. No error messages or anything to figure out why it isn’t working.

I’m thinking it could be an issue with the name of the map, that it the blueprint can’t find what I’m asking it to open. I’ve attached pictures of the main menu, the graph of the main menu and the folderlocation of the map I want to open (the one named hotel.umap). On a related note: I can’t find the map named Hotel_hotel.umap in my content browser at all, could this be related?

Creating a main menu guide

Can you upload the PIE logs?

I’m quite new to this but i hope these are the PIE-logslink text