Hi, I am currently following through this tutorial series Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Gamepad UMG Control Pt. 2 - Page Menu - YouTube
I am running into an issue at about 19:15 in the video. There is an integer variable that is being called from a BP controller, and being set inside of a widget blueprint. The value for the integer is coming from an array of widgets. My problem that I cannot figure out, even after redoing the tutorial twice, is that once I set the integer value and try to print string the value, it only returns a 0.
Here is a screenshot from the video of the part i am having trouble with.
If I keep the nodes that are highlighted in red, and then try to print string the “page index” value, it only returns a 0. It does not print the correct index values that were given to the widgets. However, if I remove the nodes in red and just print string the integer value of “find”, I get the correct values. Does anyone have any idea why trying to set this value is returning a 0?