My input won’t work. I have my view set to “front” and idk if this affects the axis differently than if I did top down. Nevertheless my pawn isn’t moving at all.
I have it setup exactly like that and I get this error when playing.
Error Blueprint Runtime Error:
Accessed None trying to read property
from function:
‘ExecuteUbergraph_PlayerChar’ from
node: Add Movement Input in graph:
EventGraph in object: PlayerChar with
description: Accessed None trying to
read property
Error Blueprint Runtime Error:
Accessed None from function:
‘ExecuteUbergraph_PlayerChar’ from
node: Add Movement Input in graph:
EventGraph in object: PlayerChar with
description: Accessed None
First of all the blueprint which i
have created is for a “character
blueprint” and in game mode my
default pawn is my "character
blueprint ". -
You can still check out the main Ue4 docs for the help