In debug the get path length Node is showing a Path Length of 0.00000 when Path Start and Path End are showing correct values in XYandZ (positions of two actors). can any one help?
OSX UE4.1.1
Hey ** Webster**,
Both Actors must be on a NavMesh in order for that node to calculate correctly. Alternative solution is an example I provide below.
Hope this helps.
haha that works fine now thanks. but i have the same problem now with the MOVE TO ACTOR node it will not move to my character unless they are both on the same Z Axis same problem i had with the GET PATH LENTH node.
Should i post a new question about this?
Hi ,
Would you be willing to post a screenshot of what you are trying to accomplish so we can see what is going on? Thank you!
i figured this out to be the mesh and capsule collision presets which until 4.2 i had problems with custom presets