Why is my flipflop node double firing?

i decided to make a quick video explaining my issue

[link to the question video][1]


Hey there,

Took a look at your video, not quite sure what could be causing this. Is your console generating an overlap event perhaps, as it wasn’t clear where your trigger box was sitting.


Could you try this with the E button event for Released and see if it is still funky?


You could also print the IsA boolean value coming out the back of the FlipFlop node to screen to see if the E button event for Pressed is just running continuously.

I feel strongly that the E button event for Release will only fire one time and fix your problem.

Hi, could it be that your events some how (perhaps because of your animation) gets triggered continuously ?

Perhaps a workaround, could be to insert a DoOnce node right before your flipflop node, and reset this DoOnce node once the animation is completed ?

  • Morten

this solved it, thanks a bunch, im still not sure what caused it in the first place, but its nice to have it working now!