Why is my first person mesh missing?

This is my error:

I don’t know what happened, but everything is missing for some reason, anyone know how to fix this?

Hey there @Dbros1000! Bunch of questions to see what’s going on.

Does the BP compile?

Are there errors in the console saying it can’t find the mesh in your content drawer?

Try to look for it with the link:

Is it still there in the content browser?

If it’s still there, play in editor and see if the arms are visible. I’m not seeing even the camera or capsule collision in your viewport here.

To answer your questions:

Yes the BP compiles.
No there are no errors in the console.
Yes it is still in the content browser.
No I can’t see them in the editor.

Hopefully you can find a solution from this. Feel free to ask more questions.

Hrm… That’s odd. Can you see the skeletal mesh itself if you were to just drag it out and drop it in the world? If so you might need remake the FPS character, as it doesn’t seem the camera is there either.

Does the player character work in play mode?

When you pick up the rifle does it show the SKM?

Is the SKM Hidden boolean on?

I can see the skeletal mesh when I drag it out.

The character works perfectly, even when picking up the gun it still contains the shooting logic and everything, but no gun is shown (that’s my biggest issue).

I don’t know what skeletal mesh hidden boolean you’re talking about, so could you elaborate further?

Interesting! It’s something to do with the visibility of all of the components of that BP.

In the details of the skeletal mesh component

Though I don’t believe this to be the issue due to not even the camera itself being visible in your BP window.

Could you try running the game in the play window, then pressing f8 to detach yourself and zoom out to see if any of it is visible and at the location it should be during play?

Yeah, the entire BP_FirstPersonCharacter isn’t there for some reason. If you click the individual parts then it shows the arrows to move it, but nothing is there. I’m not sure if the niagara particles are set up correctly, but that doesn’t show up either.

Everything is not hidden, except for the capsule, and I can’t see the arms when I press f8.

I see that Actor hidden in game is ticked on in your window there, could you untick that and check in game? It should should be visible in the BP menu so this is likely not the entire issue.

Yup, it works now :sweat_smile:, huge thanks!! :grin:

It fixed what I wanted, which was to see the gun in game, but I still can’t see the BP_FirstPersonCharacter in the viewport.

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No worries, let’s keep digging on what happened there, could you select say the capsule in hierarchy and hit F to center it in viewport, then select the translate tool to see the gizmo. It’s not likely you’re too far to see it, but seeing the details could help.

For some reason I can’t select the translate tool, but I can select it for the first person camera. I centered it in the viewport, and it’s right where it should be: below the camera.

The gizmos themselves won’t work for the root, but should be visible for all of the other components. Can you see the entire BP now?