Why is my event dispatch not working?

Problem: I am calling event dispatcher (StartGameDispatch) in my gamemode (PlayGameMode, Fig 1) that has an event (CustomEvent_0) bound to it in BoardBlueprint (Fig 2). However the event does not fire.

However, going the other way seems to work if i bypass the event (using dashed white line). So, calling event dispatcher (BoardGenerationFinished, bottom right Fig 2) in my BoardBlueprint that has an event (BoardReady_Event) bound to it in PlayGameMode (Fig 1).

Fig 1 PlayGameMode

Fig 2BoardBlueprint

I hope that was clear. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks for your time.


Just thought I would update. The problem is flow.

For anyone else: I realized that i wasn’t doing anything “wrong” but these two things need to fire in a particular order but are in separate blueprints. To check the order in which they fire I added print statement before and after my binding and calls with the numbers 1, 2. 3 and 4, in the order that i want them to fire. Sure enough I got 3, 4, 1 and 2.

While this question is about why its not working, ill put of resolving this thread until i fix it, which shouldn’t be too hard.

The problem was that the call in the gamemode was being fired before the binding was made to it in the board blueprint. The solution was simple but I still dont get desired outcome. I set all bindings. Call “board is ready” from board blueprint. The call is read by the gamemode which calls “board to start generating”. The call is read by the board which generates and calls “board has finished generating”.

The only problem is that the spash screen i set with the bindings (before i start the board generation) which is removed after board generation doesnt show up. It just hangs until board has finished generating. Im still working on this but is probably outside scope of question.

this definetly helped me, i was trying to bind an event but the blueprint where the event dispatch was comming from wasn’t spawned yet… giving the object that needed the binded event a delay fixed it…