Why is my cinematic export stuttering?

Hi, I want to export a tiny camera moving sequence. When I click ”Export Movie,” it exports the movie to my computer. Normal right? No. When I watch the video from my computer, the cinematic stutters. And it stutters randomly. Any idea on how to fix this?

Note: I exported the cinematic at 24 FPS.

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Anyone got any ideas?

What format? have you tied other formats?

There’s only one format I can give you a screenshot later. Also, I’m using the sequencer that comes with ue5.

I got the same exact problem. Gonna try some stuff and i’ll get back to you.

So; what you do is you export the cutscene or the clip as an image sequence. Then in Adobe Premiere you go to File>Import>Files then select the first image in the sequence and put a tick in the box for sequence. Premiere takes care of the rest and adds it as a video in your media folder. It’s actually a faster way to do this and the image quality is the best you can get. Just remember to double the speed if you want 60FPS. Right click the video clip in the sequence view and select speed/duration and set it to 200% as I think it defaults to 30FPS.

Hey thanks! I hope that epic games will fix this soon… if it’s considered a bug.

This feels like maybe you dropped some frames. I know this is likely the problem on my end, very stuttery when I export and missing like 7-20 frames from image sequence.