Hey hls,
Check position of your Player Start component. It sounds like it’s sitting above ground (or partly embedded in ground). Once your game starts, does character stay in falling state or is it landing and returning to normal idle?
Hey hls,
Check position of your Player Start component. It sounds like it’s sitting above ground (or partly embedded in ground). Once your game starts, does character stay in falling state or is it landing and returning to normal idle?
Thanks for reply!I tried that and put starting point even half below ground,but it is still in falling state at start of gameplay for merely less than 1 second. third person template is also like this.Is it a big?
Sorry for typo.Is it a bug?
I’ve had this happen before, and when it happened to me it was because I had accidentally edited either Player Start or MyCharacter assets. Can you show me an image of what Player Start looks like in your level, with it selected so I can see how it sits? Thanks!
It might me a race condition to loading and detecting ground collision. I noticed when creating a character i didnt have exit jump loop working that player would be in a falling state starting mission. My only guess is that calculation for collision was not completed yet. Also note that this same thing can occur when switching pawn ownership. pawn seems to have some kind of twitch that seems to be start of jump animation. Its a quick blip when it happens but its happens. Maybe a solution would be to add an initialization time delay before initially calculating any animation data for your Anim BP.
Thanks!I think you are right!
I took at look at a new Third Person template and I am seeing same thing. I’ve asked our developers to take a look at it, and I will let you know what they say. Thanks!
Okay, this appears to be a bug! There is a delay between beginning Play and Default Movement Mode kicking in.
A temporary solution for you will be to switch Default Land Movement Mode in CharacterMovement component of your character’s Blueprint from Falling to Walking. This will cause other problems if your character begins above ground, but as long as your Player Start Actor is flush with your Floor or Landscape, it should work for now.
Thanks very much!I’ll try that!
Look, I’m in UE 5.3 and I think this might help for someone in the future. pay attention to Auto Possess Player option, it must be set exactly the same in both Pawn Actor and BP_FirstPersoncharacter. if you set it to Player 0 in BP_FirstPersoncharacter it must be Player 0 in Pawn Actor as well.
Diar T. Agha Sorry I’m a newbie. I have the same problem, so could you elaborate what you mean by “Pawn Actor”? May be you could upload a screenshot?