I have a state transition to a Dead state if the IsDead boolean is true. It isn’t yet it still transitions to this state. I even tested printing it to screen and it is without a doubt set to false.
I don’t even know how to make a sequence toggle the variable. It’s just a death animation. It doesn’t do anything besides play the death animation. It’s like the transition is just being ignored and it plays the sequence anyway. Very strange.
I completely removed the transitions. The state node is just floating in space. IT’S STILL PLAYING THE ANIMATION?!??! I just don’t understand this. I really don’t want to have to hardcode in montages in every single AI and player character for deaths. This really should just be an animation transition.
I can’t find a solution after scouring the forums and web for 2 days now and trying everything under the sun. Just going to leave animation BP as idle/walk/run only and use montages for deaths/attacks.
Do ragdolls.
You set an animation to play, and allow the physical animation component to take over with a custom rigidity.
After it, you use a pose snapshot to keep the death animation as it fell.
Basically some of this:
Sequence Player makes no sense.
It should be labeled with the name of the animation you picked.
If I wanted to do ragdolls I’d do ragdolls. My game is a bullet heaven. I do not want to waste resources doing physics processing for deaths when I have animations for every AI already. I just want them to play their animation and I’ll have them fade/melt away with an effect.
It says sequence player because this is an animation template. The specific animation is chosen in the child animation blueprint.
And is the child template correctly assigned?
/ is that the only node causing the issue (assuming you have others as well).
BTW, regardless of how you use the blueprint, the state not being assigned an initial animation could still be the error.
Try assigning an animation to it. The child BP will override it anyway if set up to do so.
While playing
`showdebug animation
would probably show you why the state is being triggered.
The output log should have any warnings/errors about issues (such as invalid skeleton or such).
Aha, fixed it. This was only impacting animation templates for some reason. On their sequence players I changed the sequence type from “Bind” to “Dynamic Value”. This solves it.