Hello. I’m using Animation Montage to animate my character when I press the E button. In my project this is allowed only when I am near a button to press, then the animation (pressing a button) should be triggered.
The problem is that animation montage is not played. I used debug and the node is being played, but just the animation is not being played. In fact, my character is stucked for a while, I believe it’s the playing animation time.
Here the BP in the level BP:
I also used the simple technique to add a slot node in the AnimBP, but nothing changes.
With this configuration, only one animation is working which has the root motion enabled. If I enable the root motion to the others, nothing changes. Probably this is because the working animation is based on mixamo (I have the plugin that sets automatically the root motion) and the other, even if I tick root motion, is probably not a real root motion since the animation needs some crafting (I am not an expert).
What do you think? Where is the real problem?