Why is my actor not spawning?

The image on the right shows an old project of mine, the image on the left shows a new project that I am working on. I copied over some BP’s which I built a long time ago but for some reason it will not work.

This blueprint should spawn my zombie actor… the one of the right does. The only thing that is different is the name of the actor. I have no idea why my new project will not work.

I have placed the spawning box actor in the world, but nothing spawns.

More information: Inside my spawning box I have points to pickup, when the player overlaps a point it spawns a zombie… at least this is what it does in my old project. I can not seem to identify the issue.

Any suggestions?


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Do a Print String right after Spawn Zombie. If it does not show up you look in the wrong place :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nothing appears on print string, I do not know where else to look. I have a player character BP, a zombie BP for the actor I am trying to spawn… In my previous project all of these BP’s are the same… any other ideas?

Yes look where you Call “Spawn Zombies” because you actually never execute that Function anywhere. It does not execute itself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

and if you do call it somewher make sure that thing that Calls it executes too. Follow down the road until you find out why its not calling.

That is my issue, I cant find anywhere where I call it even in the old project… That BP does everything on a loop.

What can I say at that Point? If you never Call that Function it will never Spawn something ^^ you call it somewhere in your old Project like Level BP or some Manager Class etc.

If there no error in your blueprint and SpawnActor simply fails to spawn, it should print reason why in log. You can see log live either by starting editor with -log option or opening it in Window->Devlopment Tools->Output Log. I recomand to keep log open as lot of useful information always can show up there

You need to call the function SpawnZombies… Do that with EventTick or something.

EventTick → SpawnZombies
Call it in your map or somewhere.