Why is my actor location not updating?

I have an actor that is set to simulate physics. The only BP elements it uses for proof is a reference to self, get actor location, and print string - > all tied to the tick event. When I start the game, the actor falls to the ground as expected, but the FVector that is printing to the screen never changes. Does having something in simulate physics not allow this the location to be updated or is this something broken in UE4 4.8?

Bah NM, I used GetWorldLocation of the collision sphere and that works fine.

I was having this problem in UE5 and found that my actor had a both a root scene component and a static mesh component. The static mesh was simulating physics relative to the actor root. That is, the actor was frozen in space and the static mesh component was simulating within the the actor’s space. To fix it I had to make the static mesh component be the root component, which I accomplished by dragging the mesh component onto the root component in the BP editor.

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Wherever you are. Thank you.


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