So I’m working on setting up some camera movement and I’ve hit a bit of a bump as I’m having trouble registering mouse button input as well as reading mouse X/Y values.
It seems to me as the editor is not reading the mouse inside the view port window as I get no debug data while the mouse X/Y event is firing, and my event for middle mouse button and right mouse button is not firing at all.
I have set up inputs through the input bindings located at project settings and have also tried using the default key events in the event graph with no luck.
These nodes are set up on my default pawn class, the thing that is working is movement along X/Y/Z using WASD and “Mouse wheel up/down”.
Any input as to why the other mouse buttons are not registered is greatly appreciated.
Unreal high level of abstraction still confuses me a little too, so I’m not sure I understand how you are not registering input on your pawn.
The 3 things I would suggest to try first are:
Make sure to check on your player controller (not the pawn) the options “show mouse cursor”, “enable click events”, and so on. Not only using Shift F1.
Make sure you are possessing a pawn of the exact class you are programming.
Try to “enable input” from player controller 0 (although I have the impression that a possessed pawn would automatically register inputs from it’s player controller).
Went through your checklist and everything is set up the way you’ve described it, I tried putting the mouse events directly in the player controller as well to see if it fires from there but it gives the same results.
What bugs me is all the input from my keyboard is registered fine, it’s just some of the mouse buttons (all but the mouse wheel) that won’t fire from their respective nodes.