Why is Metahuman missing the UE4 Mannequin IK Bones?

Greetings Community.

I need assistance with a custom Metahuman Base Skeletal Mesh I believe will simplify my design and improve performance.

I'm running into several desyncing issues using run-time animation retargeting with ALSv4 Animman Skeletal Mesh to drive a Metahuman Skeleton.

Animation is driven by ALS but I attach everything to the Metahuman Skeletal Mesh. This is leading to all sorts of issues with aiming, extra code, and overall complexity managing two skeletons.

I want to try a different approach, adding the missing IK Bones to a Metahuman v2 base skeleton to match ALS UE4 exact. I believe this approach will give me more options:

  1. Use Modified Metahuman base directly for ALS.
  2. Continue to use ALSv4 ue4 to drive metahuman but with 1 for 1 so attachments / aiming - alignment/sync work properly.

I’ve attempted to add the IK Bones myself using Blender, following this awesome tutorial below:

AnimMan.FBX (488.9 KB)
m_tal_nrw_body.FBX (1.3 MB)

Its been a huge struggle. Although, 3D Modeling is not my strong suit ( :sparkling_heart: Blueprints ), I thought I could handle this. I commend those with Modeling Skills. This is extremely frustrating. Sheesh.

Does anyone have a Metahuman V2 Base Mesh with IK Bones readily available to share? Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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