Why is loading saved game, restarting game?

Like this? Sorry if it is wrong. It prints NONE. Would I have to add it to set? Like location and my other vars in my set save and load? The My Level Name var?

I can go level to level with health, location and ammo saved to each level. I can stop the game in editor and start it again with the player at the saved location with the right ammo and health count. But when I click continue game, it no work…

Yes like that =) if it says NONE than you never saved your Level. Go to your Safe Function and make sure to Set the Level to the current one.

Please read the Docs carefully I linked above.

When I remove the splash screen intro, and make main menu the main starting level, now my main menu doesn’t show. Just black screen. I go to main menu level, play, black screen checked all widgets, made sure maps & modes are set to main menu level. Now what is going on?

Okay so I fixed the main menu issue. Now i messed around and now it prints coordinates. but does not open level.

Tests show that the coordinates are the location of the players last position, but I still can’t seem to just open the location. Nothing happens when I click the continue game except coordinates.

Here is all of my save and load nodes. Can not open saved data from slot.

And Here is my Auto-Save set up

Please someone tell me where I am being dumb on. Just trying to open saved level on button click in a widget…

Where is the “Set My Game Name0” Node :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And like I said earlier calling Teleport before or right after Loading a level wont do anything. Call it on Begin Play after your Level was loaded.

Don’t know how to add it there. Do you? Also, the load level is in a widget, does the widget have begin play?

=/ Screen capture - 8b7f2959d8a0c2869c7e6a05e995aae7 - Gyazo

You can use Begin Play from your character. Or any other BP really. You can load the savegame Object from anywhere you like at any time you need it.

Yes!! Thank you so much. Adding the set level name to get current level and removing the teleport altogether worked. You have saved my game and I am grateful.