Why is Line Trace still detecting objects in a position, after they've moved away?

hmm, Haven’t really looked into that, not sure exactly what it is… Also, would something like that even be able to work with VR, with the way stereo 3D renders differently?.. Maybe I can have that highlight the potential cube-sides or something. I’ll have to read up on that. ;D Thanks.

Anyway, I’m still going to try using a second Line Trace, and see if that has any effect on this bug. But I’m also not positive my math didn’t screw this up somewhere. heh

Well I hope you make it, I will check back tomorrow and see how you did. :wink:

Well, after some more testing, I’m starting to think my problem might be caused by the way the AttachToComponent function works, not sure why that would effect collisions tho… hmm

OK, so I finally figured out what was causing my problem. In the AttachToComponent function, there is a check-box called “Weld simulated bodies”. I tried disabling that, and also turning off physics on the cubes, and NOW I’m no longer getting the collision ghosts, when I rotate the Structure. The attached blocks keep their proper line-hit detection, while they rotate, no ghosts or blocks I can’t hit.

Everything seems to be working as intended now, so I think I’ve solved my problem! :smiley:

congrats on finding this weird error!

Was it the way the AttachToComponent function works that was causing the issue?

I’m not exactly sure… But it seems that disabling the “Weld Simulated Bodies” checkbox, fixed it. Probably had some kind of conflict with collision boxes or something when I had attached/parented so many things in weird ways. lol

I’m glad it is fixed. Well at least you learned you can create custom channels.