Why is it saving double the amount of coins earned at the end of the game?

I am trying to save the coins collected in the game by adding one each time the player collects one of the coins. That works fine and it updates in the widget updating +1 coin each time the player collects the coin. After completing a level the collected coins are supposed to be added to the player’s total coins that are saved in the “coins saved” variable. But for some reason it is adding double the amount of coins collected to the saved coins. So if I collect 1 coin it will add 2 coins to the save variable or if I collect 3 coins it will add 6 coins. Why is it doing this? Below is my code for collecting the coin, saving the coins function and when I call the function after the victory. I’ve also included a screenshot of my gameplay of me collecting 3 coins and the result is showing 6 coins total. I’ve tried deleting the save slot multiple times and even tried dividing the coins collected by 2, but then the player won’t be able to collect 1 coin.

Have you checked if the save game isn’t being called twice?
Also, how are you updating the text?