Why is it allowed to open marketplace search results only with 4 packs per line and 100 packs per page?

I think that with the modern sales, such as Black Friday Sale with 26.8k packs, the maximum of 100 packs per page is outdated. For the slow computers, the initial value of 20 per page is normal, but for the fast computers, it would be nice if one could show packs by something like 1000 per page. Also on the large monitors, like mine on the screenshot below, 4 packs per line are unoptimal usage of screen space. If the “feed” had automatically fit to the browser page width showing 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc. packs on the line (only even numbers), it would be AMAZING!!!

Bump. The topic is actual.

Agree this would be helpful, especially browsing the VAULT.
Maybe cross-post this request in threads like the one below.
Since this is where Epic eyeballs are more likely to be lurking. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Double bump.

I wouldn’t worry about that. FAB should have more grid view options for our products. Just need patience.