Why is issue UE-72610 backlogged?

UE-72610 issue link

Why is issue UE-72610 backlogged, and are there any near-future plans to fix the broken multi-selection behavior of list/tree view widgets? I am frankly a bit shocked that Epic hasn’t prioritized the issue as it clearly has a significantly negative impact on the development of in-Editor and in-Game GUIs.

Eric Evans

Sr. Tools Programmer

Hi-Rez Studios

1 Like

Has this issue been fixed / is this feature still supported? As a newbie, listView is one of the first systems I set out to learn, so having it be so unintuitive and, apparently, missing features doesn’t leave a great impression. Next time I’ll make my list (inventory for game) from scratch, I suppose.

sorry for jumping on this thread, but I think my question is somewhat related

what it means when an issue is marked “Backlogged” ?
I voted for an issue to be solved, and it was backlogged, is that a good sign or not !

Thank you