Why is GetControlRotation returning zero?

I’ve been working on a game for over month and I’m trying to implement the head rotation using control rotation and bone transform. However the get control rotation doesn’t seem to read my mouse movement and returns zero no matter what. I tried manipulating all the settings in MovementComponent but still the node doesn’t output any valid data other than zeros.

Screenshot below shows the value when I run the above nodes in a tick function.

Please help out.

I think you’re playing in Simulate.

Nope, I played in selected viewport and in new editor window with the player possessed. I can’t find a reason why this shouldn’t be working like this.

Have you tried to debug your BP? Meaning having the view port to one side and previewing the flow of execution wires?

Yess, I just did and unfortunately every node is firing but the problem still persists.

Strange… I thought the print string may have been coming from another source.

yess, I’m gonna try creating a fresh project and try again cus there’s no logic behind this error or atleast I can’t find one.

Update. I did create a new blueprint project and added a single character blueprint with one node which is to print the control rotation and it still prints zero. This is gonna make me believe that my issue is engine level or I might’ve missed something.

Perhaps updating to 4.22.3?

The version I’m running is 4.22.3. The weird thing is I can still use AddcontrollerPitchInput and when I print out the values of rotation it works fine. The issue shows up when I don’t update my ControllerRotation.

I reckon the culprit maybe in here by the looks of it.

Hmm not really because that’s just a custom event that sets up some enums, also I did mention that I made a fresh new project to check if this problem was there and it was.