Why is `FWidgetNavigationData` displayed with a custom widget in the UMG designer?

User widgets have a tab called “Navigation” that displays the UWidgetNavigation member of the widget. UWidgetNavigation consists of 6 FWidgetNavigationData members. When editing these in the UMG designer they show multiple dropdown menus on the same line, and update which ones are shown based on the input of the first.


When I add my own FWidgetNavigationData member to a user widget it is displayed like this:


Using the entire UWidgetNavigation as the member doesn’t work either. I’m curious to know where this custom display behavior is defined. There don’t seem to be any special macros (UWidgetNavigation is instanced, but making mine instanced doesn’t help either), and I can’t find anything in UWidgetBlueprint or UBaseWidgetBlueprint.