Why is animation retargetting scaling my mesh?

I have followed the documentation on the UE website down to the last sentence, but I am having issues retargetting my animations. The source animations came from Mixamo and the target model is from Blender. I first exported it from Blender with the default Blender units and this was the result:

As you can see the poses are similar, but not identical. The models both look like they are the same size but after the animation is retargetted the model is basically unrecognisable. It appears as if the feet are 100x their original size also. So then I tried changing the units in Blender to centimetre and exporting, then the model imported at a size that was 0.01 of what I wanted, but when I retargetted the lower half of the body seemed fine, but the top half was messed up:

If I export as centimetre and scale by 100 on export it is the same result as the first attempt with the big feet.

I really don’t know what else to do now.