Why is a hit event not generated?

I have a projectile ball, a simple sphere at a scale of 0.05 (so it’s 5x5x5 units in size), this is it’s collision profile:

And then I have a skeletal mesh, this is it’s collision profile:

And this is the code to test:

And this is what happens:

So the collisions are working, but the hit event is not called, what’s happening?

Thing is, the hit event IS generated if I say take a third person bp character and run into this character.

So I am very confused about what is going on.

Not sure, but that bouncing mechanic might be what’s preventing the projectile to trigger a collision. Can you disable that feature and try it that way?

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There isn’t any special bouncing mechanic, it’s just a sphere with a projectile movement component on basically default settings with speed and gravity scale being the only ones i changed.

The bounce is just a result of physics simulation…

Wait a second, ok so i disabled physics for the projectile mesh and now i get the collision message.

But I want physics, why is it like this?

Can you try using the “On Component Begin Overlap” node instead of the ones you’re using currently

Overlap events do seem to work a lot better, however they also very often do not trigger, and similarly disabling physics simulation seems to fix that unreliable triggering of them :thinking: .

I’m glad you got it working! I guess it’s because the engine prioritizing events. It’s how engine handles things

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