Why I need a NSCameraUsageDescription when I do not use the camera in my Game?

I made a basic game for mobile and when I want to publish it to the app store I get an Invalid binary and a Missing purpose string in Info.plist but I do NOT use the camera. What should I do?

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Having the same issue sadly, very strange

I added a Description which says that I do not use the camera and apple released the app. It is strange but worked for me

How did you add the description? Did you add it into the info.plist and repackage a new ipa or did you just edited the existing ipa file?

??? Any Answer for this ???

Is this a 5.3 bug? I’m getting this now in 5.3. I have no idea what is using the camera…

same here. any help?

is anyone paying attention?

I think it’s AVMedia Foundation or some Mac/iOS/Apple plugin that’s enabled by default.

Any you don’t need try disabling

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Also encountered this issues,
Using UE5.3.2 with Xcode 14.2

Updating you all that removing the “AVF Media Player” plugin saved this issue.


Same problem here, with camera ITMS-90683: Missing purpose string in Info.plist
Any solution?

Thank you! This was it for me as well.