Why I have "WaitForTask" without any others task in"Unreal Insight"

Hello Everyone, I have some freeze in my game, and want to know why.
So I open Unreal Insight, and have a "WaitForTask, and don’t know for what is waiting…

I don’t see any Task to wait…
here is my Trace I recorded:
Pid13224_UEDPIE_0_ShoppingMapFinalPlayable-WindowsEditor-12-17.12.07.uestats (12.0 MB)

My question, is: “What is waiting for ? and how can I fix that ?”

I see a lot of tutorial, but they always have a task in parallel but it’s not my case…
Thx for helping, you will help me a lot!

uestats is the old format of sessions. Newer format is .utrace.

What version of the engine are you on?

Sorry for the late answer, I use UE5.4, how can I use the latest version of Unreal Insight ?

The round button next to trace starts it

Then click the red button to stop the recording

or click trace => start trace (and more detailed options)