Why i have crash then i try spawn AActor from Thread?

GameInstance cpp:

			case 2001: //Object Spawn


				ZeroMemory(pocket, sizeof(pocket));
				ZeroMemory(buff, sizeof(buff));


//Spawn scene objects function

            void UMyGameInstance::SpawnObjects()
                UWorld* const World = ();

                if (World)
	               const FVector Location = FVector(240.0, -140.0, 148.0);
	               const FRotator Rotation = FRotator(0.0, 0.0, 90.0);

	               AGameObject* NewObject = World->SpawnActor<AGameObject>(AGameObject::StaticClass(), Location, Rotation);

               if (NewObject)
	            GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(1, 10.0, FColor::Green, "blablabla", 0);


Help me guys! i try to resolve this bug four days and no results(
i launch the game and have the crash after 0-2 sec. On screen i saw spawned object, but recieve error window(

if i copy spawn function code to another function, i have no error and game works well !

As i know you can’t interact with UObjects from other threads. You would know that already if you checked logs (in Saved/Logs), if crash is due predicted error engine leaves message whats wrong there.