Why I hate UE5

Hi all,
Along with some improvements UE 5 comes with many flaws too and animation retargeting is one of them. I do not understand why it is breathe in Unity, while it is pain in UE. It was in UE 4, where you had to put skeletons in A pose manually adjusting them. And now it is even worse! Now they require you to create IK rig and spend hours on setting it up in UE5!!!
Why can unity do everything without A posing and IK?! The only program that requires posing meshes for retargeting I know is iClone. May be they hired too many unprofessionals from damned reallusion?
Shame on you Epic!

The workflow exists.
Its being used in production.
Unity has just as many problems as UE.
You don’t have to use the ue skel, there’s mixamo and others like mb labs
you don’t have to use metahuman
you can use anything you like
just have to change the bp state machine sm and anims
I have probs with 5 too
but thats eventually where you have to migrate in the next few years
for now
I mostly work in 4.27 still
and only have a few ue5 test projects.
4.27 is working so I stick with it mostly

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