i know that there is a data streaming animation in a blueprint like event start play to somting when you start there will be like dots going from node to node like data so you know whats happaning but i dont have it i make somting that works but i cant see it and then i made somting it dosent work but i dont see it as well how can i see the dots that going on the wires from node to node? plz help
You have to set the debug filter in the top right corner to the instance you want to debug and then it starts to show its command flow and variables in the normal debug view.
Here is an example picture showing how to debug the object ‘QuadtreeSetup5’:
This picture is taken from the engines documentation for blueprint debugging. Take a look if you need more information:
thx but how do i set it do defult so i wont need everytime i start the game to prees the windows key go to the blue print click the debug and change it that will be very helpful how do i do that ?
Then start the game in the “simulate in editor” mode instead of the default “play in editor” mode. This can be chosen by the drop down menu on the large play button in the toolbar. For further information: In-Editor Testing (Play & Simulate) | Unreal Engine Documentation
And you do not have to use the windows key to loose focus of the game window. The better way is to press shift+f1.
i do it but first i fly and and inputs dont work and secend it dosent do it i still need to click on it and press it