Essentially, the plug in that i installed (the 4.27 version), isn’t showing on my UE4.27 plug-in menù!
I don’t know how proceed further! someone can explain to me how to enable those plugs?
Hi @DomDotCom3008 - that video really looks cool - on github I can only see master and a release branch. Did you try to do it with UE5? A lot of japanese here, so not sure, but maybe just giving this a try with UE5 could solve troubles?
Hello DomDotCom3008, thank you for posting the question.
I took a gander at the video and timestamp you left. I was able to find the plugins in my 4.27 project after placing the plugins into my project’s plugin folder. So now, I have a few questions:
After you placed the plugins into your Plugins folder and double clicked your .uproject, were you prompted to compile your project?
If no:
What is the path of your plugins?
Please ensure the folders are arranged something like mine.
Please check that you have the correct version of the plugins in your folder. If I remember correctly, each plugin will have an engine version you can download. So downloading the master from GitHub may not be sufficient.
You will need to ensure you are getting the 4.27 versions.
Please check that at the least the .uplugin, Binaires, Resource, and source folders are in each of the plugin’s folders.
If Yes to the aforementioned question:
Please go to Edit/Plugins and click on the Project tab. It would look something like this:
The bit of information that I was missing (and I’m posting it here in case it helps someone who comes by here in the future): after dropping the plugin into your Plugins folder and opening the project again you don’t see the new plugin in your Content Browser.
You should now go to Edit->Plugins, And under the Project section you will see your newly added plugin.