i’m trying to create my character by blender and using Game Rig Tool to help rigging then replace character in Unreal Engine.
i followed step by step in some videos tutorial on youtube, but somehow i can not parent bones with model. ( tried with rigyfi addon too but i can not parent too )
Can someone tell me what did i wrong here ? Help me please.
Probably check to see if it weight painted properly. Good chance it didn’t. Check these options. I had to increase the envelope size before because i changed to unreal units but my model was gigantic so increased envelope size let it detect more mesh so overall it could auto paint better.
Additionally you could weight paint it yourself. Goal is essentially to have a gradient where lighter weights gently overlap in the .2 or so region and that’s the understanding i needed for less jank. Should be able to select your mesh and see if it has the armature modifier. That’s how you can can tell if it worked most of the time. Alt P to clear parents on selected mesh and try again with a larger envelope is what i would do. I was in the same boat as you just a few weeks ago.
i got solved problem, i misunderstood when watching some tutorial videos so i always choose bones before the mesh, so it never ever can parent mesh and bones.
Thanks for watching and so sorry if wasted your time.