why i can not export my mesh model

I wana export my mesh model and reconstruct it but even if i have the lisence the operation failed.Did anyone know how should i fix this problem?

Hi giraffe_zhou,
you wrote that you want to export the model, but in your showed settings you are exporting depth maps. Are you exporting from preview model or normal/high detail model?
Is it possible to export something else? Is this also happening after the application reset (Make it like a clean install)?

yes, what i want is to export the depth maps,i also tried to export with preview but also didnt work ,same error like my second picture

If you try to export something else, is it possible to export?
If you will start this as a new project, then are you able to export the depth maps?

i have create a new project and do the same stuff,it is successful to export the mesh and pointcloud but the mask also operation error exist

Is it possible to share that project and images with us?

apple_Top.rcproj (9.7 KB),and i cant give the images set cuz even i compression it hat more than 200 MB

I sent you the invitation for the upload. It could be also in your spam folder. Please, upload your data there, there is no size restriction. Thank you!

I send u my data on the folder but u didnt answer me back any more ,i also tried by my other set of pictures to export the mask but also didnt work.Can u repeat me by email?

I am sorry for that. I had to miss it…
I tried your data and for me the export was successful.
Can you upload also your project (created file and folder)? Which RC version are you using?

apple_Top.rcproj (10.9 KB)
idk why it still not worked by my version,RC1.2 is my version.

by the way i also tried other image set of my projekt,every one is not successful to export the mask but the object is exportable.

Can you please upload whole project (project file and folder) to the Box (the same as you uploaded your images)?
Also, you can try upgrade the version, as it is not the newest one.
Where are your data saved? Is it possible that those images were sync’d to Onedrive?
Are you using PPI? If so, there is no certificate for the inputs in the project

i already update the project and the folder

Hi, thank you for the project.
I checked it and it was also crashing for me in version. Please, upgrade to, there the mask export was completed.
Also I noticed that the models 3 - 8 are just Preview models and there was a bug in that version to export masks from Preview model. When I tried to export masks from Model 1 it was possible (as this model was created as Normal).

thanks ,after update the version it works right now :+1: