Why i am not able to run ThirdPersonGameMode game?

My project is pretty much clean Third Person Template(C++).

Today i tried to do some Shipping & Packaging process, watched few tutorials, and specified “Shipping” type.
Success. Game in folder is ~700mb and it runs well on my PC.

Next i wanted to try it on my laptop, throwed game folder there and tried to launch. Got some warning about “outdated” NVidia graphics drivers*(but dozens of other popular games never complained about it)*, and it refused to launch:

It is not true, because if even i try to launch some huge AAA, it would run, but at low fps on that laptop, but it will at least launch. And here i’m not able to run ThirdPerson some little playground?

It is quite old laptop with GPU 1gb dedicated memory, and 8gb RAM. 5GB VRam in total. On my PC i checked this game, it occupied ~2gb VRam…

So i don’t know, is it feature or the bug? From searching web i see that 80% cases it is Epic’s fail, modern bug of UE5. But maybe it is shipped incorrectly, like i don’t know anything really yet, so i need advice of basic shipping of such simple project as ThirdPersonTemplate.


Unreal games by default pack their projects at “Epic” scalability settings. That is probably why it won’t launch on older hardware.

There are many threads already regarding what can be done. Either a console command / blueprint call on begin play to set the scalability to a lower level or other methods.

example with ini file settings:

Okay, so then what do people do to guarantee game 'at least launch’ on every PC?

I think it would be way better and “right” to do for UE Devs, to let the game run using shared memory, instead of forbidding to run itself at all like that.

The game would need to launch with lower graphics specs and either try adding some hardware detection to see if graphics can be bumped up a few notches.
You should have graphics configuration inside the game too.

That is next thing i’m dealing with for the last 24 hours, trying to find clear answer for how to specify packaging Graphics(Scalability) settings.

Since UE5 by default make game with Epic settings, and there is no clear answer or even hint how can i select Low or Medium, or exclude Epic preference from the build.

But graphics(Epic) settings is still not the reason of why this tiny game not launching i believe. Message shows that not enough VRam, which is incorrect since as i mentioned - 5gb is available, and a lot more sophisticated games then Third Person Template i’ve played on that laptop. Some made with Unreal.

It rather looks like some bug or incomplete work on the side of Unreal Engine with which i have to deal with.

Is the game launching on the laptop’s dedicated graphics card or maybe on the CPU’s integrated graphics?

All games runs properly using dedicated Graphics Card on that laptop.

You say that the game is the TPS Template… Well that is a template not a complete game.

Vendors of other games you say run may have a launcher app that will detect the hardware it is running on and adjust the games startup parameters to run the game based on the hardware it is running on… Packaging a large game is a lot more than just pressing build in the engine.

Missing Assets: Make sure all necessary assets for the ThirdPersonGameMode (such as character models, animations, and level design) are properly imported into your project. Missing assets can cause the game to fail to run or display correctly.

I do understand that.

But i still not able to find how to set startup Scalability. It is 100% not working in any kind of blueprints or stuff, it should be done via some settings of some .ini file, and i simply can not find such basic stuff!

My furthest success so far is that i can change graphics settings with UI empty level before ThirdPerson is loaded. It is done with blueprint function “SetOverallScalabilityLevel”, which allegedly exist and being accessed via GameUserSettings.ini
But here is the thing. It doesn’t. It is never there. And more frustrating it can’t be changed there, in that .ini file…(

And all information in the web is about how to change Scalability when your games is already running, which is for me - is waste of hours(soon - days).

Now i’m curious what is that Scalability.ini without contents in it, and as well - ZERO info in the web what that is and how to use this particular ini:

You could also use the benchmark option to autodetect settings

I can’t. Again, that stuff on video - all blueprint stuff in editor, it is all runtime things which i’m not able to achieve, because game not even launch at the first place.

There is tons of .ini files, in one of them - preferences for the Game launch Scalability. It is difficult to find in web for some reason.

Ok can we start from scratch,

What are you current PC Specs, including the video card.
We will need to check those to make sure that they meet the minimal Hardware specs for the Unreal 5.3 Runtime. Assuming this project is running in the 5.3 engine. If not can you also list with engine version you are running.

We need the Laptops Specs as you say the PC is running fine.

First, when you have “5 GB VRAM in total” that leaves 4 GB for the OS AND the game. That’s not enough.

Current AAA games have two things going for them:

  1. They were started 5 years ago or more, when requirements were lower
  2. They have an entire sub-team whose only job is to optimize the game to run on target hardware

8 GB of RAM, and 1 GB of VRAM, is way too little to run an Unreal Engine 5.3 game on; the engine assumes that by the time you ship your game, the world will be in a much more advanced state. You can probably make something fit by targeting mobile renderer (use forward shading) and limiting texture sizes to 1024 or less, and turning down resolution of render targets and reflection maps, and turning off other features, if you really work at it.

I don’t have the access to the laptop right now, will post specs later.

By now i’m trying to find more information about this message:

Out of video memory trying to allocate a rendering resource. Make sure your video card has the minimum required memory, try lowering the resolution and/or closing other applications that are running.

And it looks like it is very vast problem for various Unreal Engine games, most played of them all - Fortnite. People have 3080ti, and still can’t launch their games.
One very important thing i noticed - it is fresh bug, all results i see - 2-3yrs old.

Now just look at my game consumption more precisely.
So it occupies:

~900mb of VRam if Cinematic settings
~500 of VRam when Low settings
~370mb of RAM in all cases.

And somebody here just said there that 8gb of memory is not enough for the 5.3.2?? Really? Do you want to know what i think?

I think it is nothing more then some significant fail on the side of Devs that was involved in making this particular section of Unreal Engine. Because again, it is not a crash or an error, it is an intentionally put, blocking functionality, pop-up that messages you that it’s just forbid the game to launch on your machine.

Based on the engine’s flawed ‘auto-detection/presumption’ technology, people are not able to run UE5 games when theirs PC is certainly capable of running it.

This message is so ubiquitous, will push research to the end, if i’ll succeed in finding solution to resolve this issue i’ll post it here.

Laptop is Fujitsu SH531/GFX

That notebook is running a 10+ year old graphics card with 1gb memory, the notebook has 4gb ram unless you have updated it. It looks like the card can run DX12 with drivers updated to the latest version, but other than that the norebook is not worth much at all.

Unreal needs Windows 10 and the DirectX runtime from 2010, so i would make sure that is installed on the notebook.

The ram on the notebook will just run Windows 10 with nothing else running on it.

You will have to disable Nanite and Lumin in the game, they wont work as the graphics card can not handle it. Windows 10 will need to be running version 1909.1350 or above.

The recomended Hardware for Unreal Engine 5.3, Quad Core 2.5GHz or higher, 8GB Ram, and a DirectX card that can do 11 or 12 with the latest drivers. The OS needs to be as above Windows 10 64bit 1909.1350 or above.

It runs various, more advanced games, way more advanced then my Template on UE5.

I disabled already nearly anything:
-lumen(disabled all illumination to None)
-SM6(SM5 selected)
-reflections(disabled all to None)
-some other minor stuff

Also i tried to Ship it as DX11, since plenty of solutions on non-working Unreal Engine games lead to that.
Windows 10 updated to latest 22H2.

You simply CAN NOT say that something wrong with the laptop, or “it’s not enough” because there’s infinite number of cases about this error with all UE5 games, guys have 32gb rams, best cards, all on their PC’s running well except most of UE games.
What would be your argument for that?