Why has the Twinmotion Boats Pack 1 been removed from Sale even though it was free ??
Really in need of a good boat pack and this looks perfect but it’s no longer sale / free.
Anyone know or have a good alternative to use?
Thanks in advance
Why has the Twinmotion Boats Pack 1 been removed from Sale even though it was free ??
Really in need of a good boat pack and this looks perfect but it’s no longer sale / free.
Anyone know or have a good alternative to use?
Thanks in advance
Hi Tricky,
You’re right. I’d expect to see the pack under ‘Free → Epic Games Content’ but It is not listed.
Does this link allow you to access it?
Hi Astrotronic,
Alas the assest on that link states Not for Sale.
Such a shame it has been taken away…
Really hope that it gets re-instated soon. Look such a good assest pack
If you get this Twinmotion Boat Pack 1 from someone, could you share these boats with me?
I will be immensely grateful for this kindness.
I don’t know if sharing such asset is allowed since it’s been removed form sales … anyway I got this asset and I’m trying to use it but unluckly in 5.1.1 and 5.2.1 it has some issues:
When building lights I got such messages:
No importance volume found and the scene is so large that the automatically synthesized volume will not yield good results. Please add a tightly bounding lightmass importance volume to optimize your scene quality and lighting build times.
SM_Yacht02 Object has overlapping UVs.
SM_Yacht02 Lightmap UV are overlapping by 65.7%. Please adjust content - Enable Error Coloring to visualize.
And the final result is this:
And btw the black boat is not one of those reported in messages.
P.S. I tried adding the lightmass importance volume without any luck…
Best regards,
i just saw your message. i know its pretty late reply but gamedev is hell and you still might be on it or wish to restart. im willing to give you the asset pack.