Why FString::Find() is always returning -1?

I have a TArray which contains integers in string format. I’m trying to use the find function of FString to search for a string of integers to find the matching numbers. The find function is supposed to put out a index to the indice where the item is found but I keep getting -1. I know the string I’m searching for is in the TArray

cell.neighborA = FaceIds.Find(edgeA);

Can I just plug a FString into the find function the way I’m doing? In the documentation it shows it being used like this.

cell.neighborA = FaceIds.Find(TEXT("some text to search for"));

The problem I have with that is I need to be able to plug this FString in, and I don’t know how to format it into the TEXT way. I know In some functions that use TEXT you can format it by doing this ("%s"), anFString. Even when I try and use the TEXT way and just search for a block of text I know exists it still returns -1.

Okay so I think I’ve figured out what is going on. it’s search each indice to see if the entire string matches my search criteria. My search criteria is only a small part of the string on each indice. So how would one go about searching within a single string? For instance, if I have a string that houses the following

1 57 93

How would I search this indice of the array to match the following

“57 93”


To implement the required functionality, please use FString::Contains() function. For example, the following yields “True”:

FString Value = TEXT("test string");
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(1, 1, FColor::Green, Value.Contains("string")? "True" : "False");

For TArray of FStrings, you can do the following (using C++11 auto feature):

for (auto s : Words)
	if (s.Contains("string")) {
		//required functionality here

Hope this helped!
Good luck!

Okay, I’ve hit a snag and I’m wondering if I’m using this correctly. I’ve pasted my code below:

//Discover the neighbors
void AWorldCell::establishNeighbors()
	FWorldCells			cell;
	FString vrtxSpaces, strTempA, strTempB, x, y, z;
	vrtxSpaces = " ";
	int faceIndx, neighborCount = 0;
	bool found = false;

	for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTriangles; i++)
		//Split the string face ids into parts
		strTempA = FaceIds[i];
		strTempA.Split(vrtxSpaces, &x, &y, ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromStart);
		strTempB = y;
		strTempB.Split(vrtxSpaces, &y, &z, ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromStart);

		//Three loops that find faces shared edge partner face id and store it in cell.neighborA, B, C
		while (!found)
			if (FaceIds.Contains(y + " " + x))
				cell.neighborA = faceIndx;
				found = true;
		found = false;
		faceIndx = 0;
		while (!found)
			if (FaceIds.Contains(z + " " + y))
				cell.neighborB = faceIndx;
				found = true;
		found = false;
		faceIndx = 0;
		while (!found)
			if (FaceIds.Contains(x + " " + z))
				cell.neighborC = faceIndx;
				found = true;
		found = false;
		faceIndx = 0;

The idea is that I have an array of strings that I’ve parsed in from txt file. They are stored in faceIds (TArray). This list has vertex assignments that makeup a triangle. each triangle is one indice in the array. So I break the Fstring into 3 temporary smaller strings called x, y, z. It’s broken into the strings by finding the space " " inbetween the string numbers. Then I want to search by the length of the list “NumberOfTriangles” for each triangles 3 neighbors. A, B, and C. The triangles are created counter-clockwise, which means the neighbors should have the same vertex reference numbers only inverted. This is why I combine (y + " " + x), (z + " " + y), and (x + " " + z). I’m trying to recombine the Fstrings backwards and query the TArray to find which indices contain the 3 different neighbors. They are all triangles so there should be 3 exactly for the total NumberOfTriangles.

Okay so I’ve tried to rework it to look more like your approach. Am I understanding the for loop you put down? does “auto s : FaceIds” automatically shuffle through the length of the array and assign each indice to “s”?

//Discover the neighbors
void AWorldCell::establishNeighbors()
	FWorldCells			cell;
	FString vrtxSpaces, strTempA, strTempB, x, y, z;
	vrtxSpaces = " ";
	int faceIndx = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTriangles; i++)
		//Split the string face ids into parts
		strTempA = FaceIds[i];
		strTempA.Split(vrtxSpaces, &x, &y, ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromStart);
		strTempB = y;
		strTempB.Split(vrtxSpaces, &y, &z, ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromStart);

		//Three loops that find faces shared edge partner face id and store it in cell.neighborA, B, C
		for (auto s : FaceIds)
			if (s.Contains(y + " " + x))
				cell.neighborA = faceIndx;
		faceIndx = 0;
		for (auto s : FaceIds)
			if (s.Contains(z + " " + y))
				cell.neighborB = faceIndx;
		faceIndx = 0;
		for (auto s : FaceIds)
			if (s.Contains(x + " " + z))
				cell.neighborB = faceIndx;
		faceIndx = 0;

Bah, my logic was all wrong. z + x would not work. They’re never side by side backwards like that. So, to get around this I decided to parse the face id list in one group of numbers at a time. Then compare them in sets of three. Anyhow, heres the code…

//Discover the neighbors
void AWorldCell::establishNeighbors()
	FWorldCells	cell;
	FString		x, y, z;

	for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTriangles * 3; i += 3)
		//Split the string face ids into parts
		x = FaceIds[i];
		y = FaceIds[i+1];
		z = FaceIds[i+2];

		//Three different edges evaluations to look for
		for (int j = 0; j < NumberOfTriangles * 3; j += 3)
			if (FaceIds[j] == z && FaceIds[j + 1] == y)
				cell.neighborA = j / 3;
			if (FaceIds[j] == z && FaceIds[j + 2] == x)
				cell.neighborB = j / 3;
			if (FaceIds[j+1] == y && FaceIds[j+2] == x)
				cell.neighborC = j / 3;