Why fps in UE5 is so low on GTX3080 + xeon 2678 v3?

Hi everyone!
After switching project to UE5 from UE4, I had a problem - fps dropped very much. At the moment, I have 7-21 fps in viewport, despite the fact that the video card is almost not loaded. In other applications, everything works fine, in New World 55 fps at very high graphics settings.
Tell me, please, has anyone encountered such a problem? And if you did, how did you resolved it?
My computer configuration is as follows:
Processor - Xeon E5 2678 V3
Mother - huananzhi X99 TF
Video card - 3080 10Gb (and 64 GB of swap file on m2 sd)
RAM - 128 GB DD3
Hard drive - m2 sd mmc

I also tested it in demo-project “Valley of the Ancients”, results are below:
In the cinematics viewport at 20-40 fps, the load is as follows:

  • processor loaded at 40% with 2.88 GHz (exactly distributed across all 12 cores)
  • video card uploaded at 12-21%, temperature at 69-71
  • 24 GB of 128 GB of RAM is used

In the viewport at high at 20-70 fps so

  • processor loaded at 38%
  • video card loaded at 8-15%, temperature at 64,
  • 22 GB of 128 GB of RAM is used

In the viewport at low at 25-110 fps so:

  • processor - 33%
  • video card - 3-12%, with a temperature of 60
  • RAM - 22 GB

Tested the playmod at high, 44 fps on average

  • processor - 48-50%
  • video card - 10-15%, with a temperature of 60
  • RAM - 23 GB

Thank you in advance for the answers and have a good day! :slight_smile:

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You should be getting only slightly worse frame rates than you were seeing in UE4.

I do see various people with 30 series problems on this forum. Crashes, D3D device removed, choppy frame rates etc.

I assume Epic will figure this out sooner or later. In the meantime all you do is make sure your OS and drivers are up to date. Possibly downgrade to the studio drivers.

You might want to do some benchmarks to check it’s not a hardware problem, but that’s a long shot.

It could also be an engine config issue, also a long shot. You could re-install the engine, try a vanilla project, that sort of thing.

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